
What is whatsapp mute function
What is whatsapp mute function

WhatsApp said on Friday that you can now control who sees your profile photo, about, and last seen status, which reveals when you were last active on the network. More than simply its group calling capability is being developed by the messaging service. WhatsApp is also introducing a new banner that will notify you when someone joins a call after it has already begun, as reported by The Verge. In addition to the new muting feature, WhatsApp also allows you to message particular people while on a group call, which is useful if you need to send a note to someone or crack a joke that might not go down well with the entire group. This function provides a new degree of control that’s probably best reserved for frantic meetings with up to eight individuals on video calls or 32 on audio conversations. While some conferencing programmes, such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, allowing hosts to mute all (or particular) participants, most don’t allow individual users to mute anybody they wish during a session. According to The Verge, this sanity-saving tool appears to be useful not only for muting folks who fail to do so, but also if you’re in the same room as someone else in the conversation and don’t want to hear an echo of their words. Washington: This week, WhatsApp added a number of new features, including the option to mute others during group calls (via Android Central).

What is whatsapp mute function